Hi! I'm Katie

I am not one of those people who grew up in the kitchen with my mom, learning the family recipes. I didn’t find an interest in cooking until I was living on my own in college, and even then my meals were limited to chicken and broccoli or tuna casserole.

Once I became a real adult (and my metabolism realized I was aging), I started paying more attention to what I was consuming and how I could control it. This led me down a path of learning how to cook more than mac and cheese and then creating my own recipes.

I also learned in my early 30s that I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). That didn’t mean too much to me until just a couple of years ago when my husband and I decided we wouldn’t hate having a kid. I learned that what I eat has a major impact on my PCOS symptoms and I can even reverse them by eating the right food and getting moderate exercise

And that’s what I want to share with you here. Not all of my recipes will be PCOS friendly, I love some good comfort food that often involves pasta, but I try to at least make recipes with healthy alternatives.

I’m so happy to have you here, but it’s not all about me. I want to hear from YOU! Tell me what you’re going through in life. Whether it’s cooking tips, finding a healthy alternative to your favorite comfort food or fertility issues… I’ve been there and I am here to help as much as possible!

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